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What does property insurance cover?


An Overview of Property Coverages


The Dwelling 77 Program is intended for homes ineligible under standard homeowner contracts and for individuals who do not want or need a homeowner contract. Any of these homes can be insured under Dwelling 77.

Significant dwellings

Several styles of residential properties are covered. The dwelling forms may be used to insure a one- to four-family residence home.

Any incidental operations are allowed in the dwelling. They include a private school, a studio, an office, and a small service operation, such as a beauty parlor or telephone response. A finished house or home building may also be insured in a dwelling type of insurance: its owner or a renter can occupy the home. Similarly, a townhouse or row-home will be shielded if the structural unit does not reach four households. If the insurance duration does not exceed one year and the mobile home or trailer stays at a permanent location defined in the policy, even a mobile home or trailer may be insured.

Other forms of residences are ineligible. Farm dwellings that house more than five boarders or rooms cannot be insured under the dwelling forms.

Dwelling form styles

Basic form

Use the basic form to insure any of the qualifying dwellings mentioned above. Several coverages are offered, equivalent to homeowner's (HO-2) coverage.

Coverage A insures the dwelling and annexed buildings. However, damages are paid based on real monetary value, not replacement costs.

Coverage B offers insurance for other buildings such as a detached garage, tennis court, or shed tool. Under the standard form, 10 percent of dwelling insurance can be extended to cover other structures. This isn't, however, extra insurance.

Coverage C guarantees personal property owned or used by insured and resident family members. Often protected is personal property away from premises. The insured will apply up to 10 percent of the covered policies to safeguard personal property worldwide. Again, expanding coverage isn't extra protection.

Coverage D protects the fair rental value if a loss is part of a dwelling leased or kept unfit for regular use. A maximum of 10 percent of dwelling insurance may be extended to cover rent loss, subject to a maximum monthly limit of 1/12 of that IO figure. For example, if the house is insured.

A total of $48,000 can be used to cover rent losses, with a maximum monthly limit of $400 (1/12 X $8800). This is not extra protection.

The basic form covers just a few perils. Fire, lightning, and internal explosion risks can be bought alone. The insured may also add extended liability hazards plus vandalism and malicious mischief by paying an extra premium. Comprehensive dangers are windstorm or hail, explosion, riot or civil commotion, aircraft, cars, and smoke.

Dwelling Property (Broad Form)

The large form expands the basic form coverage. Covered damage to homes and other facilities are paid based on repair costs rather than real monetary value. Replacement expense clauses mimic those found in homeowner contracts. Besides Coverage's A, B, C, and D, the broad form provides a new advantage to increased living expenses. If a covered loss makes the property unfit for regular use, the further rise in living expenses is compensated.

The broad form encompasses all hazards that can be insured under the basic form, plus other hazards. These covered dangers are as follow:

  • Fire, flash, internal explosion
  • Windstorm or hail
  • Explosion
  • Riot or civil disturbance
  • Aircraft
  • Vehicles
  • Smoke
  • Vandalism or malicious mishap
  • Glass breakage or protective glazing
  • Burglars
  • Failed objects
  • Snow, snow, or sleet weight
  • The collapse of buildings or pieces of buildings
  • Unintended spill or steam overflow
  • An explosion of a steam or hot water machine, air conditioning or water heating system
  • Freezing plumbing, heating or air conditioning or home appliances;
  • Abrupt damage from artificially produced electrical current.

Special Form

The special form includes dwelling, other buildings, and all other property protected by Coverage A or Coverage B for all direct physical damages, excluding expressly excluded losses. However, personal property is protected by the same-named hazards described earlier in dwelling Property 2 (broad form).


The endorsement currently writes mobile Home Insurance of either HO-2 or HO-3, tailoring homeowners' policy to suit mobile home characteristics.

The mobile home must be at least ten feet high and forty feet long for coverage. It must also be able to be towed on its chassis and built for year-round living. The regulation may only be issued to the mobile home owner-occupant, and occupancy must be for private residential purposes. These provisions are enforced to remove coverage for camper trailers pulled by cars and insured under car insurance.

Coverage on a mobile home is close to that used in homeowners types.

  • $10,000 minimum dwelling
  • Other Systems 10% Coverage A (minimum $2000)
  • Personal property: 40% Coverage A / 20% Coverage A
  • $100,000 personal liability
  • Medical payments to each other $100,000

Coverage A insures mobile homes on a cost-replacement basis. Furthermore, floor coverings; when permanently mounted, household appliances are also shielded. Coverage A also refers to utility tanks and other mobile home-connected structures such as a carport or small storage shed.

Some mobile homes have depreciated so much that replacement cost compensation is unacceptable. In such situations, an optional cash value endorsement can be added, restricting the insurers' responsibility to the lowest of (1) repair costs, (2) replacement with similar assets but not necessarily from the same manufacturer, or (3) the actual cash value of the damaged assets.

Coverage B insures other systems subject to a $2000 minimum.

Coverage C insures unplanned personal property and is limited to 40% Coverage A.

Coverage D offers loss-of-use coverage and is 20% of the coverage A cap.

Additionally, the mobile home endorsement offers additional compensation that costs up to $500 for the expense of moving the mobile home to a safe location when a protected threat threatens it. An additional premium will raise the $500 limit to a maximum of $2500.

Finally, compensation includes comprehensive personal liability insurance and medical payments to others. This coverage is similar to the coverage of homeowner contracts.



Marine insurance is one of the oldest insurance types. Shipping was well known in the Mediterranean Sea 2,000 years before Christ's birth. Coinciding with this trade's growth, insurance transactions originated as separate trade deals that shielded an owner from financial Loss if his ship was lost. If the shipowner bought the vessel through a loan, a moneylender was paying the interest rate. The moneylender must have to forgive the loan if the ship were lost for a premium above the ordinary rate. Bottomry loans were an early precursor to ocean insurance.

On the other hand, specific modem insurance components were lacking. Today, marine insurance also does not achieve statistical consistency.

Take your life or fire insurance. Judgmental estimates remain on the marine underwriting basis. Loans were equivalent to bottomry loans, the loan subject gap. The loan was the ship's cargo, rather than the boat itself. Otherwise, it's been equivalent. A trader, putting cargo on board a vessel, will borrow using the shipment as collateral. Besides the common interest paid, the moneylender decided to forgive the loan if the cargo was lost.

Today, as historically, ocean marine insurance plays a significant role in foreign trade.

Ocean insurance plans insure four distinct types of possible loss exposures.

The ship's hull can be insured. This coverage is similar to the bottomry loan since the insurer offers to pay the shipowner if the vessel is lost when the policy is in place.

Freight exposure is the expense of the products delivered. This coverage is equivalent to reply loans in that the shipper is compensated for damages incurred during delivery.

The Loss of freight is the loss of the ship's owner's profits. Suppose the cargo (or passengers) was delivered, not lost. This policy is equivalent to the consequential damage coverage of fire insurance.

Liability damage risk is the Loss the shipowner would suffer if the ship were held legally liable for negligently harming other persons or their goods.

Inland Seafloaters

People own valuable personal property that is often transferred from one place to another, such as jewelry, furs, cameras, clothes and luggage, vessels, musical instruments, sports equipment, and the like. A suitable inland float will insure this house. And is a program that offers broad and thorough protection of personal property, often shifting from one place to another.

While inland floaters are not standardized, they have several standard features.

Insurance can be customized to the particular form of insured personal property. Under personal floater, nine property classes may be insured.

Choose the preferred insurance number. The homeowner's policy restricts the amount of coverage on some forms of personal property. A floater strategy provides higher limits. It has broader and more detailed coverage. Floaters may be written all-risk, offering general security.

However, in ISO's current version of most inland marine floaters, the term "all" has been omitted from the all-risk definition of insured risks. The reason for deletion is to avoid creating fair expectations among policy-holders that the floater would compensate all losses, including those expressly excluded from the policy.

Most floaters protect insured property worldwide. However, fine arts are only covered in the U.S. and Canada.


The personal article floater (PAF) is the essential contract to provide comprehensive protection on valuable personal property. The personal floater article insures nine-optional classes of private property against threats of direct physical damage of property. All direct physical damages to insured property are covered unless expressly omitted. Individual items are identified or scheduled for particular quantities. Coverage is worldwide except for fine art.

Personal jewelry is protected worldwide. Each object must be identified and a particular insurance amount displayed. Original sales bills or a signed appraisal from a reputable jeweler are needed.

PAF may be insured for personal furs and garments trimmed with fur, fake fur, products consisting primarily of fur, and fur rugs. For each item, a particular amount of insurance must be specified separately.

PAF will insure most photographic equipment. - object is uniquely defined and valued. Miscellaneous small items such as carrying cases, filters, and holders may be written on a blanket basis without scheduling each article if the blanketed items' total value does not exceed 10% of the total insurance amount on cameras.

The PAF can also cover musical instruments, including cases, sound, and amplifying equipment and related posts. This covers a significant exclusion. Instruments for pay during policy time are not protected unless the policy is endorsed, and a higher premium is charged.

They are using the PAF to insure silverware and goldware. However, pencils, flasks, smoking devices, or jewelry cannot be insured as silverware. Such properties are insured as jewelry.

Golf clubs, golf carts, and other golf accessories are covered worldwide. Often covered are golfers' clothes in a clubhouse locker or other building used in connection with golf. Golf balls are only protected by fire and burglary when there are visible signs of forced entry into the house, locker, or room.

The PAF can also insure fine arts. This includes paintings, old furniture, rare books, sculptures, rare glass, bric-a-brac, and manuscripts. Coverage in fine arts is respected.

Newly purchased property immediately occupies ninety days. The insured must contact the insurer within 90 days, paying an extra premium.

Insurance on newly purchased land is limited to 25% of overall insurance.

Several essential arts exclusions apply:

Reparation, repair, or retouching damage is expressly excluded. Art glass windows, glassware, statuary, marble, bric-a-brac, porcelains, and similar delicate objects are explicitly excluded. However, breakage is covered if caused by fire or lightning, explosion, aircraft or crash, windstorm, earthquake or flood, malicious damage or theft, or conveyance derailment or overthrow. Breakage can cover the additional premium payment.

There is no coverage on the exhibition grounds or the premises of national or international exhibits unless the regulation protects the premises.

A valuable stamp or coin set can be insured on a blanket or scheduled basis. If the items are protected, the stamps or coins are not described, and insurance extends to the whole collection. However, if the stamps and coins are valuable, the property should be listed and insured.

In case of Loss to a protected item, the amount paid is the cash market value at Loss's time. However, there is a maximum limit of $1000 for any unplanned coin set and a maximum limit of $250 for any single stamp, coin, individual piece, single pair, block, series cover, or card.

In the case of Loss to a scheduled object, the amount paid is the lowest of the following:

  • Actual cash value;
  • Reasonable maintenance costs;
  • Replacement costs;
  • Insurance number.

Significant exclusions refer to stamps or coins. The following losses are excluded:

  • Damage from fading, scratching, tearing, or thinning;
  • Color shift, inherent defect, dampness, temperature extremes, or depreciation.
  • Unexplained Loss unless the object is scheduled or insured or mounted in a volume and the page attached to it is also lost;
  • Loss of property in transportation custody;
  • Except for recorded mail shipments;
  • Theft from an unattended car unless sent as registered mail;
  • Damages to property not part of a stamp collection.

The goal of the above exclusions is to exclude losses due to carelessness or losses that are other parties' liability.

The personal article floater may also be added to the homeowner's policy by authorizing personal property (HO-6). The endorsement effectively offers the same coverage of the personal floater post. Some homeowners seek to protect more widely and comprehensively insured personal property under the homeowner's policy. Often, some homeowners have a private property whose worth limits liability under the homeowner's policy. Higher limits can be reached by attaching this endorsement to homeowner policy.


The personal property floater (PPF) should not be confused with the personal floater post. The PPF offers comprehensive coverage on unplanned personal property owned or used by the insured, usually held at the insured's home. Thirteen classes of incidental personal property may be covered, and each type has a different insurance sum. The property is insured under risk-of-direct-physical-loss. All damages are compensated and omitted. Worldwide coverage is given when the property is temporarily gone.

However, the PPF does not protect some forms of personal property, including:

  • Animals, fish, birds;
  • Motor vehicles for transport or recreation;
  • Boats, planes, campers, trailers;
  • Equipment for previous cars, unless removed from the vehicle and the insured's residence;
  • Land used in business, occupation, or occupation (but professional books and equipment are included in the insured's home);
  • They are typically held at another place during the year.

PPF use has decreased in recent years as homeowners insurance increases. Renters may, however, use PPF and condominium owners who choose to insure their unplanned personal property on a basis other than named-perils.


Homeowner's policy offers only minimal boat coverage. Coverage on a cruise, equipment, and trailer is restricted to $1000. Boat evacuation from premises is removed. Direct Loss from windstorm or hail to a boat, machinery, motor, and trailer is protected only if the property is within a fully enclosed structure.

Finally, boats and boating property are protected by a small number of named hazards (broad type hazards), and more comprehensive protection may be required. Therefore, boat owners also insure their vessels under other insurance contracts that offer more expansive and extensive coverage.

Recreational insurance can usually be classified into three groups.

1. Outboard motor and boat insurance is intended for owners of motorboats who have sufficient personal liability insurance under homeowners' policy but want more comprehensive physical risk insurance on board. An inland float can obtain this protection. Although boat floaters are not standardized, they have some common characteristics. They're summarized as below.

a. Property covered. The floater may be written to cover the trailer or carrier boat, machinery, engine, and boat. Insurance is written on a cash-value basis and typically includes a deductible.

b. Insured risks. The floater may be written based on named-hazards or risks-of-direct-physical-loss. Most floaters are currently published at risk-of-direct-physical-loss. This ensures all direct physical damages to insured property are protected unless expressly omitted.

Criminal liability insurance is not given as the boat owner is believed to have sufficient liability insurance under a homeowner's policy or full personal liability policy. However, if the insured's boat collides with another ship while floating, the floater can contain accident damage insurance that protects the insured from property damage litigation.

c. Non-exclusions. Outboard motor and boat insurance floaters include several company-dependent exclusions. Some standard exclusions are as follows.

Some general exclusions occur in all inland floaters. Due to wear and tear, vermin and aquatic life, rust and decay, progressive degradation, inherent vice, latent defect, mechanical breakdown, and freezing or extreme cold.

There is no coverage whether the boat is used to transport passengers for reimbursement or the vessel or covered property is leased to another party or is used in any official race or speed contest. The aim here is to exclude compensation for business loss exposures requiring significantly higher premiums.

The repair, refinishing, or restoration of the boat or equipment does not compensate for loss or injury. The worker should be held responsible for the damage.

2. The boat owner's policy is a unique package policy for boat owners incorporating physical injury protection, health insurance, liability insurance, and other coverage into one plan. While boat owner policies are not standardized, they include the following standard features:

a. Boat owner's policy offers direct and unintended loss compensation of physical injury. The insurer offers to pay to insured property for all direct and unintentional damages unless specially excluded. Physical damage insurance includes ships, machinery, accessories, motor, and trailer.

b. Liability policy often requires the insured's liability for property harm and personal injuries from the boat's reckless ownership or activity.

c. Health coverage is close to that found in car insurance policies. Medical cost compensation pays the required medical costs sustained or medically ascertained within three years from the date of a boating accident involving a covered individual bodily injury. A protected is the named insured, or any family member occupying any watercraft, or any person occupying the covered watercraft.

d. Some boat owner plans provide optional uninsured boaters compensation for bodily injuries incurred by an uninsured boat, equivalent to uninsured car insurance coverage.

e. Boat owner plans often include some exclusions.

  1. Normal exclusions for wear and tear in inland marine floats, inherent vice, latent flaw, mechanical failure, defective manufacture, war, and nuclear threat.
  2. Harm caused by repair or reconstruction (except fire);
  3. Carrying people or property to others for payments or renting covered property;
  4. Usage of covered property (except sailboats) in any race or speed test;
  5. Exclusion of portable electronic, photographic, or water sports equipment. For example, cameras, portable radios, fishing gear, or scuba diving equipment are not protected.

Furthermore, some general exclusions refer to liability insurance and health insurance.

  1. Intentional injuries or a covered person's injury.
  2. Renting the boat or transporting individuals or property for a fee.
  3. Using watercraft without a rational belief that the individual can do so.
  4. Using watercraft (except sailboats) in every race or speed drill.
  5. Losses protected by a labor benefits provision or equivalent law or a nuclear liability agreement.
  6. Property damage owned, rented, or used by a covered person.
  7. Any person's responsibility when engaging in selling, repairing, servicing, storing, or transporting watercraft.

3. Personal Yacht Insurance is a type of ocean insurance designed for larger boats like cabin cruisers and inboard motorboats. Several coverages provide yacht coverage.

a. Insurance Hull. Hull insurance is the term used to describe boat physical damage coverage. Besides the ships, sails, tackle, machinery, furniture, and other equipment are also covered. Insurance is usually written on an 'all-risk' basis, ensuring all physical injury damages from external causes are protected unless expressly omitted.

B. Security and indemnity insurance is a type of maritime liability insurance. The vessel's owner is indemnified for property damage and bodily injury.

C. Overages. Multiple optional coverages can be applied to yacht policy:

  1. Medical insurance protected individuals.
  2. Potential responsibility of insured to maritime employees protected by the U.S. Longshoremen and Harbor Workers Compensation Act, injured during jobs.
  3. Trailer insurance.
  4. Land transport insurance covering the covered vessel transported by land
  5. Water skiing clause offering liability insurance if the vessel is used for water skiing, aquaplaning, or other sport where individuals or objects are towed.



The term "aircraft" as used in insurance is comprehensive. In addition to private and commercial aircraft, the term also refers to helicopters, hot air balloons, hand gliders, and space satellites. In many ways, aircraft insurance principles mirror those of ocean marine insurance. Aircraft owners must buy insurance to cover hull, freight, and cargo (if commercial aircraft are insured).

The aircraft itself, including its electronic equipment, is spoken to as a hull. An aircraft hull policy offers insurance, either for damage incurred by defined hazards or on an open-hazard basis. Note, "open hazards" do not mean all damages will be protected.

Aircraft insurance premiums result from the perils covered; all-risk coverage is more costly than defined peril coverage. Commercial insurers pay more for coverage because their aircraft are usually more in the air than private aviation are. On the other hand, light aircraft are more vulnerable to damage or theft while on the ground.

These groupings or pools of insurance firms were required to provide a large amount of capital needed to cope with substantial loss risk in aircraft coverage combined with a relatively limited number of liability units among which risks could be expected and distributed. Lloyd's of London, either directly or through reinsurance agreements, also plays an essential role in the American (and plays a vital role in America).


Federal insurance services are also required because certain risks are difficult to insure commercially, and coverage may not be available at affordable private-sector rates. While there are several federal insurance programs, this section would cover only the following.

Federal insurance schemes are also required because certain risks are difficult to insure individually, and coverage may not be available at affordable private-sector rates. Despite various national insurance schemes, this segment will cover only the following.


Buildings vulnerable to flood damage are impossible to insure privately without government support. Insurable risk criteria aren't easily met. Exposure units in flood-prone areas are not independent of each other, and a catastrophic loss can result if flooding occurs. Thus, home insurance rates in flood zones will be too high for most insured to pay. Adverse selection problems often make it impossible to personally guarantee the flood threat, as only property owners in flood-prone areas are likely to seek insurance.

The Federal Flood Insurance Policy was developed under the Federal Insurance Administration's 1968 National Flood Insurance Act (FIA). The Act provides flood insurance at discounted rates to individuals living in flood zones.

Write your policy.

Initially, the flood insurance scheme was a joint government and private insurers undertaking. The federal government-private insurer's relationship ended in 1978 when the federal government took over the program; however, the federal government in late 1983 enacted-write-your own-program to allow private insurers to write flood insurance with government assistance.

Under the write-your-own scheme, private insurers market flood insurance under their names, receive premiums, maintain a defined commission and cost amount, and invest the remaining premiums—companies servicing flood insurance policies, adjusting damages, and paying their claims. If premiums and investment gains do not offset insurers' losses, the difference is reimbursed. However, any profits go to the U.S. Treasury.

FIA sets restrictions on eligibility, rates, and coverage. Agents and brokers not associated with private insurers will write directly to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).


Many buildings will be insured for flood insurance if the city decides to implement and execute sound flood control and land-use policies. When a community first enters the program, a flood danger boundary map indicates the general region of flood damages. People are required to buy restricted quantities of insurance at discounted rates under the program's emergency component.

A flood insurance rate map is then prepared, which divides the city into specific zones to assess flood likelihood in each region. If this map is ready and the community decides to implement more strict flood control and land-use policies, the congregation joins the program's standard expression. Higher sums can then be bought at actuarial rates.

To promote enrollment in the flood insurance program, federally insured lending entities cannot accept property mortgages in flood zones until federal flood insurance is purchased. Landowners in flood areas are ineligible for federal disaster relief payments unless they buy flood insurance.

Finally, particular residences are ineligible. Included are:

  1. Homes constructed on or below a high tide;
  2. Unanchored mobile homes in dangerous areas;
  3. Mobile homes in parks opened in high-risk coastal areas after April 1, 1982.

Amounts of Insurance

Under the emergency program, the amount of government insurance to be offered at discounted rates is limited to $35,000 in single-family homes and

$10,000 Contents. For other residential buildings, insurance is limited to $100,000.

In the regular package, the overall content coverage for a single-family home is $185,000 and $60,000. Other residential facilities will insure up to $250,000.


Flood is characterized as a general and temporary state of partial or full flooding from:

  • Marine or coastal waters overflow;
  • Unusual accumulation of runoff or surface waters from any source;
  • Mudslide.

Mudslide damage caused by land conditions or conditions under insured control is not protected. A general flooding situation must first occur. Water loss from a damaged water pipe is not covered. Property damage from water intake or sewage backup is compensated only if the failure results from a general flooding situation.


During the 1960s, significant protests occurred in many U.S. cities, resulting in property damage in millions of dollars. Many riot-prone property owners were unable to receive property insurance at reasonable premiums. This issue culminated in the development of a law-enacted Equal plan. A FAIR plan's fundamental aim is to make property insurance available to property owners who cannot receive coverage in typical markets. Usually, sensible policies offer fire and extended coverage insurance coverage, arson, malicious mischief, and sprinkler leakage in a few states. FAIR plans exist in twenty-six states, Columbia and Puerto Rico.


People with high crime rates also find it challenging to receive crime insurance at reasonable rates. Federal crime insurance became operational in 1971. National crime insurance provides crime insurance at discounted rates where insurance Federal Insurance Administration does not determine insurance

Accessible at fair rates. Federal crime insurance can be purchased in twenty-three states, Columbia District, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. A service insurer has a contract with the Federal Insurance Administration to perform different selling crime insurance roles in a geographical region. However, state insurance is the real insurer.

Two government insurance contracts exist:

  • Residential policies;
  • Industrial criminal policy.

The residential crime policy protects personal property damage from a burglary or robbery (including witnessed theft) when the property is on the insured premises or in the insured's presence.

The residential crime policy also includes damage from a burglary or theft, including damage to the insured's personal property. Damage to insured property from vandalism or malicious mischief is also covered. However, liability is only compensated if the insured owns the building or is legitimately responsible for damages.

Despite the high crime rate, federal crime insurance isn't widely sold.


Federal crop insurance offers full coverage at discounted rates for inevitable crop losses, including those arising from hail, wind, excessive rain, drought, frost, plant disease, snow, floods, and earthquake.

Under the scheme, the insured is assured some amount of crop production. The assurance applies to bushels, pounds, or other commodity units. The policy does not offer full protection; only a limit of 75% of average production over representative years is assured.


Title insurance protects the property owner or money lender against any unknown defects in the property title under consideration. Defects to a clear title can result from an invalid will, incorrect property definition, faulty will examination, undisclosed connections, easements, and various other legal defects. The owner could lose the property to someone with a higher claim or incur other damages due to uncertain lien, title unmarketability, and attorney's expenses. Title insurance offers cover against these damages.

Title insurance plans have some distinguishing features from other arrangements.

The policy offers safeguards against title defects that existed before the effective date of the policy. Title insurance applies to past faults found in the future after the policy takes effect.

The contract writes the insurer under the premise that no loss happens. Any identified title defects or facts concerning the title are specified in the policy and exempt from coverage.

The premium is only charged until the policy is released. Although the policy term runs indefinitely in the future, no additional premiums are needed.

Future policy term runs forever. As long as the title defect occurred before the policy issue date, any insured damage is compensated if found in the future.

If a loss happens, the insured is paid in dollar amounts up to insurance limits. The policy does not guarantee ownership, elimination of title defects, or legal recourse against known defects.

Points of emphasis

  • The Dwelling 77 Program is built for dwellings that are ineligible under regular homeowners' contracts.
  • Dwelling 77 used to insure one-to four-family residential buildings.
  • Townhouses may be covered if the unit does not exceed four households.
  • Mobile homes may be covered if the coverage term does not exceed one year and remains permanent.
  • Farm dwellings and dwellings housing more than five boarders cannot be insured under residential forms.
  • Mobile homes must be at least 10 feet wide and 40 feet long for coverage.
  • Mobile home coverage is comparable to homeowner types.
  • Shipping insurance is not as accurate as life or fire insurance.
  • The four categories of possible insured damage exposure are hull, cargo, freight, and liability.
  • The concept of marine insurance was established in 1953.
  • Inland shipping policies cover regularly moving personal property.
  • PAF insures nine-optional property classes against direct physical loss threats.
  • Except for fine art, PAF scope is worldwide.
  • PAF fully secures the newly purchased property for 90 days.
  • PAF article floater may be applied to homeowner policy.
  • PPF offers protection for the unplanned personal property kept at the insured's home.
  • PPF's thirteen types of incidental personal property.
  • Homeowner plans have minimal boat coverage.
  • Homeowner's boat coverage, equipment, and trailer are limited to $1000.
  • The damage from repairing, refinishing, or renovating the boat or machinery is not covered.
  • Personal Yacht Insurance is for larger vessels, such as cabin cruisers and inboard motorboats.
  • Aircraft insurance concepts mirror ocean insurance.
  • Aircraft insurance covers exposure to hulls, passengers, and liability.
  • The Federal Flood Insurance Program provided insurance for flood residents.
  • Usually, FAIR plans include arson, vandalism, and malicious mischief.
  • All government insurance contracts are residential and industrial crimes.
  • Residential crime strategy protects personal property damage from burglary or theft.
  • Federal crop insurance coverage for unintentional crop losses.
  • Title insurance covers the insured from unknown land title defects.

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