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Can You Pause Your Commercial Insurance?


The majority of commercial insurance providers only permit consumers to halt their policies and resume them at a later date. If you no longer require coverage, you must cancel your policy and obtain a new one when you do.

However, it is not suggested to terminate a business insurance policy, as doing so can harm your company in a number of ways. The cancellation of an insurance policy results in a lapse in coverage, which insurance companies may view as a red flag.

When you eventually get another policy, you can anticipate paying a higher premium than in the past. In addition, you will likely not receive a full refund if you cancel your insurance before its expiration date.

Long-term cost-effectiveness compels us to urge that you purchase year-round insurance coverage.

Is Year-Round Coverage Appropriate For Your Company?

Before insuring your seasonal business, assessing your needs and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of a seasonal insurance policy to year-round insurance coverage is vital.

Seasonal Coverage

Some seasonal firms may only require a short-term business insurance policy.

For example, if you have just started a business as a mountain tour guide, you may obtain one-day insurance plans for the planned excursions. Or, if your side passion is wedding photography, a one-day insurance policy may provide sufficient coverage for a few annual jobs.

Permanent Insurance

Seasonal enterprises are virtually always better off with year-round coverage.

In the long run, a continuous business insurance policy is typically less expensive per month. And because there are no coverage gaps, third-party claims always cover your company. It will also not affect your ability to maintain licenses that require insurance.

If you wish to extend your seasonal firm, year-round business insurance may be a better (and less expensive) choice. If your beachfront ice cream store is planning to build a second location in the neighboring town, consider exploring a one-year policy.

You should also get ongoing coverage if you store business property during the off-season. If you purchase seasonal business insurance during the peak season and then cancel it a few months later, your business property is no longer protected against potential hazards, such as theft or weather damage.

Consider a business owner's policy (BOP), which combines general liability insurance and commercial property insurance, for additional cost reductions. The average cost of a BOP premium is $57 per month, or $684 a year.

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