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Home Vandalism Damages That Could Occur


Owning a home is already challenging enough, but it becomes even more difficult when vandals ruin it. The next steps include dealing with your insurance company, hiring a restoration business, and submitting a police report. Fortunately, finding a top public adjuster in Rhode Island will help lessen the storm. But what kinds of vandalism harm may your property sustain?

Glass Breakage and Vandalism Damage to the Structure

Vandals may occasionally attack your home, breaking windows, firing at it, stomping on bricks, and tearing down fences. This is a frequent type of vandalism that RI residents and business owners may encounter, particularly in light of the current disturbances in our nation.


Even if there may be graffiti on billboards along the highway or in the streets of Providence, occasionally, vandals will view the siding of your home as a blank canvas. Graffiti is extremely challenging to remove on your own, so it's crucial to locate a reputable restoration business to take care of the damages and ensure your homeowner's insurance company covers it all by employing a public adjuster at Performance Adjusting.


This type of vandalism damage is by far the most traumatic. Arson, often known as fire damage, can occasionally destroy your house. The deliberate burning or charring of property is referred to as arson. This type of property damage is unquestionably the most expensive to repair, whether you were particularly targeted or this was a random act of arson vandalism.

Having a reliable public adjuster on your side is crucial once you have safely evacuated your family and called the police. This will help you not only acquire the money you need to repair any potential fire, smoke, and water damage to your home, but it will also help you locate your family a place to stay while the damage is being repaired. Public adjusters will fight to ensure your insurance claim procedure is quick and easy.

Vandalism by Tenants

Tenant vandalism may occur when you rent out your property. Some examples of that include the following:

  • Graffiti
  • Shattered windows
  • Walls with holes
  • Fire harm
  • Water stains
  • Mold toxicity

You may be able to file an insurance claim to have the tenant vandalism damage covered, depending on your insurance policy (typical homeowner's insurance or specific landlord insurance). The typical homeowner may find these claims difficult to manage. Don't hesitate to reach out for legal guidance. Free consultations are available during which we can evaluate the damage and examine your insurance coverage to determine how we might be of assistance.

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